Getting Your Home Ready for School A House Cleaning Guide by PRS Household Services

Getting Your Home Ready for School: A House Cleaning Guide by PRS Household Services

Get your home ready for the upcoming school year with the following simple back-to-school cleaning tips. If you've got school-age kids, you know that shifting from summer to school routines affects everything, including how you clean. When schedules get busier, cleaning can take a backseat. But with a little prep, you can keep your home organised throughout the school year.


Clear Out Small or Unused Clothes

Start your back-to-school cleaning by reducing clutter. Make space for clothes your kids actually wear. Sit down with them, go through their closets and drawers, and find out what fits and what's never worn.


Create an Entryway Station

Once school starts, Dublin's weather inevitably turns rainy. Prepare for muddy boots, wet rain jackets, and haphazardly dropped backpacks by creating a designated space for all of those items right in your entryway. This will stop dirt and mud from being tracked through your home. It also protects your hardwood floors and extends their life.


Get a Chore Chart Going

Back-to-school house deep cleaning works best when the whole family is putting in the effort. So make cleaning your house a family effort. Before school starts give your kids the best tools to contribute by setting up a chore chart with them, so they can get comfortable with the daily or weekly routine of cleaning chores.


Make Ironing a Multi-Tasking Opportunity

Ironing doesn't have to be a tedious chore. Set up your ironing board in front of your favourite TV show and make it a multitasking opportunity. However, dealing with a sticky residue on your iron's soleplate can turn this task into a challenge. Trying to avoid smudging those crisp white school shirts might cause you to miss out on important plot twists! To tackle the buildup of burned starch or fabric on your iron's soleplate, a dedicated soleplate cleaner is your solution.


Revive Your Laundry Freshness

That laundry basket in the corner always seems to have a few items at the bottom that need washing in a different setting from everything else. But once term time starts, a mere moment's distraction and the basket’s close to overflowing again! To stay ahead of the never-ending stream of dirty school uniforms you need an efficient washing machine that always leaves your clothes fresh smelling. Incorporating a monthly hot wash with a washing machine cleaner will prevent damp odours and maintain a mould and limescale-free machine. That’s a load off your mind!


Make Back-to-School House Cleaning Fun

Whether you’re cleaning with the kids or alone while they are at school, it’s important to keep cleaning as fun as possible. Cleaning is a necessary task, but we shouldn’t dread doing it! Our team recommends playing your favourite upbeat music and singing (evening dancing) along as you work. Another way to make cleaning more pleasant is to buy cleaning products with scents you really like–you’ll look forward to using them, and you’ll love relaxing in your home once the cleaning is done.


Get a Back-to-School Cleaning Reset for your home from PRS Household Services

If things got out of control over the summer, and you’re really not sure where to start with your back-to-school cleaning, let PRS Household Services help! We offer customisable house deep cleaning service packages that will get your home sparkling and make it easier to maintain during the school year. Of course, we can also help with regular housekeeping and save you even more time and peace of mind during the upcoming school year. 


Discover Our Professional House Cleaning Services in Dublin



Keywords: Back-to-School Cleaning, School Year Preparation, House Cleaning Tips, Home Organization, Clutter Reduction, Home Cleaning Solutions, Home Cleaning Checklist, Seasonal Home Cleaning, House Deep Cleaning, Housekeeping, house cleaning, house cleaning dublin, house cleaning service dublin, deep cleaning, deep cleaning dublin, deep cleaning service dublin, cleaning dublin, cleaning service dublin


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